Wellness in a Bag

Wellness in a Bag

WELLNESS in a Bag combines vitals, cutting edge pre-diagnostic devices and portable telecare with the power of cloud analysis and eHR reporting to create a new level of accessible care… A Clinic without Walls.

HEART: Auscultation, 3 Lead EKG, Heart Failure Analysis (SPI)

LUNG: Spirometry, Lung Function

VITALS: Pulse Oximetry, Blood Pressure,

Temperature, Digital Weight, Heart Rate, Breathing Rate

IMAGING: Vascular Ultrasound, Thoracic Ultrasound etc

LAB WORK: Cholesterol Lipid Panel, Blood Glucose, Urinalysis etc

PORTABLE TELECARE: Remote Consultation, HD Photo Visual Exam, Video Encounter, Cloud EMR Reports

WELLNESS IN A BAG is a cloud based basic medical test platform clinicians can wirelessly deploy to assess patients at any point of care.

WELLNESS in a Bag generates cloud based eHR reports and analysis for examinations done in a facility or in the field.

  • Vitals
  • Imaging
  • Mobile Portable Laboratory
  • Remote Consultation

Telemedicine Focused on the Clinician. The Bottom Line- Saved Lives, Time, Costs.

The health examination should not be replaced by technology, but assisted with technology. WELLNESS IN A BAG is a portable connected device and decision support solution for clinician administered, digital assessments.

Whether remotely or in the facility, actionable clinical data is always accessible. This saves lives, time and costs for each and every encounter.

Connected Care.
Any Patient. Any Time. Any Place.

WELLNESS IN A BAG streamlines diagnosis at an affordable cost by collecting, transmitting and analyzing heart, lung, vital signs, imaging and lab clinical assessments during a physical exam.


More than Just Connected Devices…

WELLNESS IN A BAG devices are always connected to mobile and cloud. With multiple portability options clinicians have the tools they need- anytime, anywhere

A Comprehensive Physical Exam

WELLNESS IN A BAG analytics, eMR and clinician decision support tools make a  physical exam possible on the go.


Improve Outcomes.

WELLNESS IN A BAG analytics go with the clinician to any point of care. The result is a comprehensive and precise physical examination to be shared in real time with the care team


Improve Efficiency

WELLNESS IN A BAG connects vitals, diagnostic and lab devices with live notes, real-time consults, HD photo and video exams and a complete telemedicine EMR report.

TeleClinic Is Only Recommended For Mild or Acute Non-Emergency Medical Issues. If You Require Emergency Medical Service, Please Visit Your Doctor In-Person